All Our Greates Bhujan Development Work The Revolutionary Buddha Indians

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    Since invasion of the arya Brahmins, there is a struggle between them and native Indians. The Brahmins belong to the Aryan race; whereas,  native Indians belongs to the naga race. Also , religions of these two groups were different the religion of Aryan Brahmins was primitive vedic religion; whereas, that of the native Indians was known as

    Lokdharm (religion of peoples). Initially, the Aryan Brahmins were  worshippers of the nature and the system of priesthood was well developed among their religion. They had established a special priestly class known as the Brahmin varna. After conquering the native Indians, Aryan Brahmins composed hymns of the vedas depicting therein the evidence of struggles between the Aryans and native peoples. In remaining parts of the vedas, daily life of the Brahmins, their prayers to the natural gods and some prayers appealing to indra for protection from the native Indians were composed. The Brahmins were barbaric, ignorant and cruel minded peoples wondering from one place to another.

    Due to the ignorance, they had blind faith, dogmatism, witch crafts and belief in some supernatural power. On the other hand, native Indians were well developed, realistic and scientific in nature and were nature worshippers. Unlike the Brahmins, their worship was not for demanding
    anything from god, but it was like thanks giving to the nature.
    Due to absence of Aryan disbeliefs like nlind faith, superstitions and dogmatism, and due to presence of equality and humanistic religion, the native Indians were happy and prosperous. They had their trade up to Egypt and their goods had major demands. After conquering
    Them, the Aryan Brahmins imposed their barbaric vedic religion and the vedas on them. To counter the Brahmins vedic religion, the native indian re developed their own philosophy of lokdharm;which was
    Known as lokayat phiolosophy and its philosophers were known as the lokayata or charvaka philosophers. The well known philosophers

    Of their times were kapila, who had developed the samkhya
    philosophy and virochana, who had developed the lokayata
    philosophy. These native indian philosophers opposed each and every

    aspect of the Brahmins vedic religion. The Brahmins killed brutally all  the charvakas and lokayatas and burnt their books; that’s why; we    don’t get their single book now. In this way, initially, the native Indians opposed the Aryan Brahmins vedic religion with the help of their         lokdharm and later on, with the  help of lokayata philosophy of  lokdharm.

    The brahmanical slavery and inhumane religion of the Aryans resulted in despair, frustrations and suffering among the masses, which made    it necessary to devise the new doctrines of freedom, equality, fraternity and justice. To fulfill these demands of the masses, revolutionary
    Philosophies like Buddhism and Jainism aroused. The great native       indian  thinkers of the 6th B.C. named vardhaman mahavir and lord  Buddha started a revolt against the atrocities of the Brahmins faith  and supremacy. This resulted in social revolution, which changed
    Political, religious and cultural life of the indian society. The political  revolution given birth to the mauryan empire, the religious revolution given birth to the embracing of boddhism and Jainism all over india  and the cultural revolution resulted in re establishment of the previous  native indus valley culture in place of the Aryan Brahmins vedic culture.

    Due to infiuence of  Buddhism and Jainism, Brahmanism remained    limited to the brahmanical faith only and it became a small sect in      india among 62 different sects striving for their existence at that time. To regain their glory and to eradicate Buddhism and Jainism from     india, the Brahmins again done a counter revolution, overthrown the   mauryan empire, eradicated Buddhism and Jainism and re established their faith of Brahmanism and Brahmin rule in india. The ruling Brahmins
    Lide pushyamitra shunga, patanjali, walmiki , etc developed legal and ecclesiastical codes like manusmriti to re establish the supremacy of vedic religion and the Brahmin clan over the native Indians.

    By observing a defiant resistance from the native Indians, Aryan Brahmins understood that, direct opposition with the faith of the native Indians could be disastrous to them. They rellized this fact from the      attacks of Buddhism and Jainism. So, they decided not to counter       with the ntive Indians faith directly. Instead, they determined to       compromise with the native indian faith and then to engulf those faiths. To compromise and to engulf Buddhism and Jainism, the Brahmins    worked on following steps:
    Brahmins composed mythical texts like Ramayana, Mahabharata,  bhagavad gita, etc, and incorporated all the myths and concepts of      the native indian faith therein. Now, Brahmins started calling their vedic                                                                                                            
                religion as Brahmanism. The Buddha had attacked on the vedas. So, Brahmins had to leave the vedas and they felt it necessary to devise  other religious texts. So, they composed Ramayana, Mahabharata,  geeta , etc books and placed them in place of the vedas. Since, the vedas had gone; they also replaced the name of their faith from vedic religion to Brahmanism. To regain the complete supremacy, Brahmins felt the dire need to eradicate buddhsim from india. So they attacked on Buddhism and Brahmins continued for abour 1000 years (from 185 bc to 820 ad). Inpsite of the vigorous attacks, Brahmin shankaracharya (820ad) found that, the complete eradication of       Buddhism was not possible. Buddhism was not a separate religion it  ws a just continuation of the indus valley religion, lokdharm. So , the basic tenets of the lokdharm and buddhsim were invaded deeply into the race of indian peoples. It was not easy for any Brahmin to     eradicate them completely. So, as a rule, Brahmins decided to compromise and engulf Buddhism.

    The Buddha had strictly warned to alleviate the sufferings on the earthly life first and then go ahead to the metaphysical issues. The example of the Buddha’s rationalism is seen in chulamalukya sutta, where, Buddha clearly advises to think of the material life first than giving importance to the metaphysical world. In this sutta, the parable of a wounded man is given. Instead of removing an arrow from the wound,  if he wishes to know who had shot that arrow, the direction from    which it came, whether the arrowhead and the shaft is made of bone or wood or iron; then, before removing that arrow, he would die here, the priority is to remove the arrow first from the wound and then to think about the other things. Similarly, the humans are suffering;                                                                                       so, the peiority of any thinker or religious teacher is to define the causes   of these sufferings and to show the path to alleviate these sufferings; rather than thinking about the origin of the universe, whether god is     of no use to relieve the human sufferings. That’s why; instead of        metaphysics, the Buddha had given importance to the rationalism.
    Also, Buddha had warned to preach his teachings in the local            languages rather than in Sanskrit. The Brahmins denied this rule and starned using Sanskrit; also, they started thinking on the metaphysical issues rather than thinking on the material world the first attempt was done in this case by Brahmin nagarjuna in 2nd AD. He attacked on          the nuddhist philosophy by  putting the theory of emptiness (the concept of  zero). He evolved this eheory from the buddha’s concept of impermanence. He inserted the brahmanical concepts from the vedas into Buddhism and given it the name as Mahayana Buddhism. He,        too, couldn’t eradicate Buddhism, but he could succeed in creating confusion among the Buddhists!
    Nagarjuna’s metaphysical theory was further strengthened by two  Brahmin brothers, asanga and vasubandhu. They stressed on mind     and provided the ways to control the mind. They advised certain    religious rituals like mantra (hymns) and mandals(figures) to control    the mind.
    In this way, nagarjuna’s metaphysicsw converted revolutionary Buddha into  a divine Buddha and the revolutionary Buddhist monks into divine       bodhisattvas and the revolutionary Buddhist concepts into Mahayana  deities. Thus, naharjuna, by creating Mahayana Buddhism curbed      the revolutionary side of  Buddhism completely.
    The Brahmins asanga and vasubandhu incorporated the vedic concept of hymns (mantra) from the vedas into Buddhism and created            mantrayana (Buddhism of the hymns). The Buddha had advised to       do a thoughtful meditation to control the mind to live a moral life.     These Brahmin thinkers advised to do a simple meditation in the form of concentration of mind (i.e. to sit with the closed eyes without thinking anything). For this concentration, they advised to rattle the hymns                                                                                                                   (mantra). Hence, it became mantrayana. Along with the hymns           (mantra). They also incorporated ceratain brahmanical rituals from the vedas to increase the mental concentration. They started calling this    ritual as mandala (tantra). Hence, the ritualistic Buddhism or                  tantrayana came into existence. Brahmins started calling these tantric Buddhist monks as the siddhas. After few centuries i.e. in 8th to 11        the AD, these siddhas were being called as naths and their cult as          nath panth. From these nath Buddhist monks, path panth (cults of  the naths) got originated. These siddhas and naths were busy involved       in misbelieves like superstitions, black magic, blind faiths and so on.      It means that , by propagating these misbelieves in Buddhism; Brahmins                                                                                                                killed Buddhism against which the Buddha had established it.          
    To cause further downfall of Buddhism, Brahmins incorporated            concepts of the yadnyas from the vedad into Buddhism and called it     as the bhairavi method. They started calling the male Buddhist monk   as bhairav and the female Buddhist monk as bhairavi and proposed the theory that, bhairav could attain his mindfulness only if; he would        do  a sex with bhairavi. Sme concept was presented in the 21st century by a Brahmin named osho. He was using the name of the Buddha to defame the Buddha and Buddhism. In this way, the Brahmins declined  Buddhism and the Buddhist sangha morally, spiritually, socially, politically, scientifically, economically, culturally, educationally for which it had stood firmly.
    In spite of the above downfalls, when Brahmins found that, it is     impossible for them to eradicate influence of the Buddha and his Buddhism from the minds of the masses; they adopted many principles  of Buddhism into Brahmanism. Under the influence of Buddhism,  Brahmins like ade shankaracharya created the pantheistic doctrines      like Upanishads, bhagavad gita and Vedanta sutra which rejected sufficiency of the vedas, inter mixed all the Buddhist concepts into Brahmanism, and created Hinduism.. the Brahmin adi shankaracharya adopted each and every aspect of  Buddhism into the fold of               Brahmanism and given it the name as Hinduism. Adi shankaracharya converted many statues of the Buddha into either the statues of shiva or Vishnu and started calling Buddhism as a shaivism of vaishnavism. Thence forth the indian Buddhists became eithera shaivite Buddhists   or the vaishnava Buddhists. Shankaracharya started calling them as     the shaivaite hindus or the vaishnava hindus. In this way the Brahmins converted Buddhism into Hinduism over the period of 1000 years    struggle .(I.e.form 185BC to 820AD ).                                           
    The Brahmins had a deep hatred towards the Buddha and his  Buddhism. So, they declared the Buddha as the god of the demons   (an avatara of the Brahmin god Vishnu) came to delude them. Due to  this hatred only, the Brahmins started calling the converted Buddhists by the defaming and the insulting word of ”hindu” and to  Buddhism     by the defaming and insulting word of “Hinduism”. This word is similar to the defamatory and insulting word of the “shudra”. Actually, the  word “hindu” is a parsi language word which means “the  slave or    thief or shudra”. In short, hindu means the shudra. Here the trick is   that the word “shudra” mesns “the slave of Brahmins “ as well as the word “hindu” means “the salve of Brahmins”! so, a hindu means a defeated Buddhist and shudra means a defeated native indian and both these words mean a native indian who is the slave of Brahmins.
    So, the conclusion is that only name is  changed, the meaning is same! For native Indians Brahmins changed the earlier abusive word of “shudra “ and given a new abusive word in the form of “hindu” from the above narration we can conclude that the word “Hinduism” means   the Buddhist religion under the slavery of Brahmins and their Brahmanism.