The Aryan
Invasions took place between 3100BC to 1500BC. They came in batch after batch
from Eurasia near the belt of Black Sea, via the regions of Central Asia (i.e.
present day Iran), through the
North-west corner of India (i.e. through Khaibar
pass). The Aryans were basically pastoral Nomadic tribes with Barbaric, Cunning
and Cruel Mind. They were an undeveloped people and living in groups. These
people were fair in complexion.

They followed Paternal System and worshipped
Gods like Indra, Agni etc. the Zoroastrianism was their national faith. That’s
why; there are so many similarities between the Brahmins “Vedas” and the
Zoroastrianism’ “Avesta”. Agni i.e. fire was Zoroastrians (i.e. now they called
as Parsi) Chief God. The Brahmins also worshipped this Agni i.e. fire God
through the Yadgnyas.
The Brahmins
brought Horse with them, which were not known to the native Indians till then.
The Aryans daily lives included the Yagnas, sacrifices, Alcoholism, sexual
immorality, deceit, etc.
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