All Our Greates Bhujan Development Work The Revolutionary Buddha Indians

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                The Buddha was not a simple religious teacher as like present day Maharajas, Fathers or Swamijis He did not simply sit under a tree with his eyes closed. He did not done anything like simpe Meditation, Yoga or some other kind of praying. He was the Word’s first great Revolutionary. He led a huge revolution in ancient India, which had suppressed the Brahmin rule. To overthrow Brahmanism, He denied each and every aspect of ti. He denied the God. He denied the Brahmanical foolish concepts like Soul, Heaven-Hell, etc. He educated the Shudras i.e. the native (or Mulnivasi) Bahujan Indians who are present day SC, ST, and OBC’s and Converted minorities (i.e. Muslims, Sikhs, Buddhsts, Jains, Christians, Lingayats, etc) in India.

    (Note: From hence forth, some terms will come repeatedly. E.g. “Mulnivasi” is a term coined by  Mahatma Jotirao Phule for “the native Indians” and his term is widely used by BAMCEF, which means, “native” in English. The tem “Bahujan” was used by the Buddha for the Shudras which means “majority”. Since, the Buddha used this term for Indian Shudras. So, instead of using frequently the long term of Shudras i.e. Mulnivasi (i.e. native) Bahujan Indians”. I will used the term as “the Shudra Indians”. The Brahmins had enslaved all the native (i.e. mulnivasi) Indians, who were in majority (i.e. 85% of the total Indian population) as the Shudra Hence, here, the term “Shudra Indians” is used.)

    The Brahmins distorted real history of the Buddha and told a wrong story about Him.

    Briefly, it goes like this:

        1.  The Buddha saw a sick man. 
        2. The Buddha saw a suffering old man. 
        3. The Buddha saw a dead man. 
        4. The Buddha saw an ascetic.

    Later, He sat below a tree and started Meditation.

    Suddenly, He got enlightened and become the Ninth Avatar (i.e. incarnation) of God Vishnu, who is a Brahmin God.

    This is an absolutely stupid and baseless story composed by Brahmins to misguide Shudra Indians.

    The actual history of the Buddha was like this:-

    The Buddha was born in 563 B.C. in India. He belonged to the SAKHYA Gana. (Gana’s were the tribal Republics in an ancient Indian).

         The Brahmins had enslaved Shudra Indians as their slaves and had made their lives miserable. People were suffering due to atrocities of and invander Brahmins on them. Since, the Brahmins were robbing Indians. They were happy as like today’s Capitalists; thought the Brahmins were in minority in population.

                   The Buddha decided to free Shudra Indians from the atrocities of these invader Brahmins. The Brahmins had enslaved native Indians with the help of their religious ideology of Brahmanism and stared calling them as the Shudra. The native Indians had not their own religion, that’s why, they were suffering. The Buddha decided to free these Shudra Indians from the Brahminical slavery by offering them a good humanistic religion.

    To create a religion was a very difficult task at the time of the Buddha. The Brahmins had restricted all the religious knowledge to themselves only. If any non Brahmins wanted to gain this knowledge, then the condition of Brahmins was that, he must leave his home and he must become an ascetic.

                The Buddha was known as Siddhartha before his enlightenment. Siddhartha had no other option but to leave His home, if He wants to achieve His goal.  So under big tension, He left his home to liberate His peoples from the slavery of Brahmins and their Brahmanism.

    Initially, Siddhartha’ parents couldn’t understand Him and His objective properly; otherwise, they would have helped Him in his noble work. They simply wanted that, their son should become a king greater than His father. So, they adopted every possible means to keep Siddhartha attached to His surroundings.  They kept Him in very luxurious and happy life.  But Siddhartha was much warred about the miserable life of his people .  He was sure that, the only way to get freedom to His people was to do a social revolution in India to bring a change in social system.

                To engage Him further in His life, Siddhartha’s parents done His marriage with Yashodhara.  This marriage further brought restrictions on His expectations. But, the Buddha had decided firmly to achieve His goal at any cost. He was finding a way to escape from the family bondage.  Finally, He got a chance on the incidence of dispute of Shakya an Koliyas on the river water .  He decided to take advantage of this dispute, So He purposefully opposed to Shakya’s option of war on the Koliyas.

    There was a fight between SAKHYAS  and KOLEYAES on sharing water from river ROHINT. ( Koleya was another Gana in an ancient India )

    The Sakhyas declared a war on Koleyas.

    The Sakhyan army chief ordered all young men to join in army and fight with Koleyas.

    Siddhartha denied fighting.

    The army chief wanted to punish him. So, he gave choices to Siddhartha like,

    The death or exile i.e. the social boycott of a family, etc. This caught attention of king KOSALA who controlled both the Ganas. Siddhartha chose to die.

    But the army chief was a bit afraid to kill Him, because of the possible consequences.

    So, Shakyas gave Him an option to leave His home. Gautam was waiting for this only! He wanted to leave His home for the sufferings of the others, but if He would have left His home of his won, then people might have talked a wrong about Him. He was aware of this. So, to get a public support to His home leaving, He had purposefully opposed Shakyas opinion of war and had pushed Himself in trouble. He was aware that, by taking opposite stand against the Shakya Gane, the army chief will order Him to leave the Shakya Kingdom. He wanted this order only. So, He happily left His home and told His noble cause of His leaving to his parents and wife. By listening to His noble and great purpose for the welfare of society, they also agreed to His leaving home and His great work.

    By making all things favorable, Siddhartha left Sakhya Gana and become ‘parivaajaka’ i.e. the wondered.

    Since, all the teaching schools and teachers were residing in jungles only; He went in jungle and stared gaining different kinds of knowledge from different teachers. He learned from Alara Kama, Udak Ramputta, etc; who were all mulnivasi or native Indian teachers. The most striking this is that, the Buddha never learned from any Brahmin teacher in His life. His first five disciples, who were His colleagues, also were the native Indians.

    Heeven tested this knowledge on Himself. At that time, the well known thought was that, body striving can give liberation to body and Soul. To evaluate this, He found that, the body striving is harmful to the self and useless for the liberation from suffering and slavery of Brahmanism. So, he denied this thought. He even tested Meditation on himself and found that, simple meditation is not sufficient for liberation. So, he denied simple meditation too. Instead, He accepted thoughtful or philosopher’s meditation, which He had done during his childhood.

    To evaluate many such ideologies, He sat under a tree and started thinking deeply about the Worldly suffering, H started assimilating all the native philosophies like Charvaka, Lokayatra, Sankhya, etc to form a new philosophy.

    The Brahmins propagated wrong story about Him, saying that, the Buddha sat under a tree for Meditation, but it is totally wrong. There, He started thinking logically about the people and their sufferings.

    Gradually, He formulated the reasons for human sufferings and peoples freedom from the Brahmanical slavery. To alleviate the suffering of human beings, He proposed a new kind of Philosophy; which is known as Buddhism.

    He found that, peoples are suffering; and the cause of their sufferings is their cravings and desires for the Worldly things; the sole cause for these desires and cravings being Brahmanism. He found that, Brahmanism propagated selfish attitudes, hatred, inequality among peoples on the basis of birth, female slavery on the basis of gender, etc. Brahmanism propagates the system of racism in the form of Varna system. It gives supreme power to the Brahmins and helps Brahmins to enslave the native Indians. So, Buddha concluded that, an atrocious Brahmanism is the reason for people’s cravings and desires for the Worldly things resulting in peoples sufferings. So, He decided to alleviate people’s suffering by eradicating Brahmanism. So, He waged a war against the Brahmins and their Brahmanism by propagating Buddhism. The slogan of his war was “BAHUJAN HITAY, HAHUJAN SUKHAY” (it means, “Majority progress, majority in happiness”); which is similar to today’s Communism. The slogan of Brahmins supremacy over an enslaved Indians wars “ALPAJAN HITAY, ALPAJAN SUKHAY” (it means, “Minority in progress, minority in happiness”); which is similar to today’s Capitalism. 

    The Buddha found that, the cause of people’s sufferings was Brahmins and their Brahmanism. To get rid of this Brahmanism, Lord Buddha offered His humanistic religion in the form of Buddhism. The Buddhism was a direct answer of Lord Buddha to the Brahmins atrocious Brahmanism. 

    The Buddha was a prince and after becoming a king, it was easy for Him to eradicate Brahmanism form the land of India. But, even after becoming a World Emperor, it was difficult for Him to kill Brahmanism; since, there was no other religious philosophy available to counter the existing philosophy of Brahmanism. The Christianity or Islam was not developed yet, So, He decided to create his own religion to counter atrocious Brahmanism. The Buddha was also aware that, Brahmanism was an ideology and an ideology can’t be killed by any weapon like sword, knife, etc. An ideology must be killed by an ideology only! So, to kill an atrocious ideology of Brahmanism, He left His home against His will. He and His family had undergone the huge sufferings for the well-being of their peoples. This was the greatest devotion of Lord Buddha and his family for the welfare of society. So, His home leaving event is known as HABHINISHKRAMANA!! This great even of MAHA-BHINISHKRAMAN is golden event in the history of humanity, which brought a turning point in the human life on Earth.

    It is depicted by the Brahmins in a picture that, while the Buddha was in His Philosophical Meditation, a cobra snake named “Mulchind” protects Him from behind. The fact is that, all native or mulnivasi Indians belong to the Naga race including Lord Buddha. Many times, the Brahmins depicted these Naga peoples in the form of serpent Naga (i.e. cobra snake). So, in reality, this cobra serpent is nothing but a Naga person belonging to India. The Buddha was wondering along to get different kind of knowledge from different hermits residing in jungles of the Northern Indian. That time, these was a dense jungle with much terror wild animals like Lion, Tiger, Wolves, etc. So, to protect Him was of prime importance; since, the Buddha was a hope protecting Him during Him mission. These peoples were depicted by Brahmins later on in the form of a picture of “Mulchind” serpent Naga protecting the Buddha. 

    After getting Enlightenment, Lord Buddha started visiting villages one by one on foot, to spread His humanistic ideology and to educate peoples.

    His ideology of Buddhism had opposed each and every aspect of atrocious Brahmanism.

    He denied the Vedas.

    He denied existence of the God.

    He denied existence of the Soul, Re-birth, Re-incarnation (the concept of an Avatar) etc.He denied the supremacy of Brahmins.

    Soon, a large section of peoples started following Him and His teachings.

    And majority of Mulnivasi or native Indians (who are present day SC, ST and O.B.C.’s) got converted to Buddhism.

    Under influence of the Buddha and his Buddhism, the native Indians revolted against the Brahmins and their Brahmanism, and as a result of which, later on, the Mouryan Empire got established in Indian. The Buddha’s revolution enabled the Shudra’s to become not only kings but the World emperors too!

    Thus, Buddha became the first revolutionary in Indian. He uprooted Brahmanism in India with the help of His revolutionary philosophy and movement.